Thermomechanical Waves in SMA Patches Under Small Mechanical Loadings

Wang, L. and Melnik, R.V.N..

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3039, Springer, ICCS-2004, Eds. M. Bubak, G.D. van Albada, P.M.A. Sloot, and J.J. Dongarra, 645--652, Part 4, 2004 


2D thermo-mechanical waves in SMA (Shape Memory Alloys) patches are simulated with a model derived for a special case of material transformations. The mathematical model includes the coupling effect between thermal andmechanical fields. It is shown that the classical 1D Falk dynamical model of SMA is a special case of the formulated 2D model. The differential algebraic approach is adopted for the numerical analysis. Computational experiments are carried out with small distributed mechanical loadings to analyze thermo-mechanical waves and coupling effects. Numerical results from 2D structures are compared with its 1D analog which is already been verified.

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