Gate control of single electron spins thrrough Lande g-factor in InAs quantum dots

Prabhakar, S., Melnik, R.

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Physics and Control (Physcon 2011), September 5-8, 2011, Leon, Spain, IPACS Electronic Library, 5 pages, 2011


We study the variation in the Lande g-factor of electron spins induced by an anisotropic gate potential in InAs quantum dots for potential use as non-charge based logic devices. In this paper, we present the numerical simulations of such spins in an electrostatically confined two-dimensional asymmetric gate potential forming a quantum dot system in a 2DEG. Using numerical techniques based on Finite Element Method, we show that the broken in-plane rotational symmetry, only due to Rashba spin orbit coupling in an asymmetric potential (induced by gate voltages), leads to a significant reverse effect on the tunability and control of the electron g-factor over a symmetric model potential (i.e. the derivative of the g-factor with respect to electric field has opposite sign in the two cases).

Keywords: quantum dots, Lande g-factor, electron spin, mathematical models of quantum mechanics, finite element method, Rashba spin orbit, coupling effects