Prabhakar, S., Melnik, R. V. N., Bonilla, L. L.
Applied Physics Letters, 100, 023108, 2012
We study the anisotropic orbital effect in the electric field tunability of the phonon induced spin-flip rate in quantum dots (QDs). Our study shows that anisotropic gate potential enhances the spin-flip rate and reduces the level crossing point to a lower QDs radius due to the suppression of the Lande g-factor towards bulk crystal. In the range of 10(4)-10(6) V/cm, the electric field tunability of the phonon induced spin-flip rate can be manipulated through strong Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. These results might assist the development of a spin based solid state quantum computer by manipulating spin-flip rate through spin-orbit coupling in a regime where the g-factor changes its sign.